Work from Home feeling more like Stressed at Home lately?


Work from Home feeling more like Stressed at Home lately? Here are some Dos & Don’ts

I have always looked forward to Sundays and all the little joys it brings. Although being a business owner you never really are on an ‘off’ but Sundays were special. Relaxing on the sofa while sipping tea and flicking channels on the television just to find that right program or movie that goes with your mood- how I miss those days.

Lately, I have felt how working from home has become more of a chore than something I used to prefer. Now, everyday feels like a Sunday minus the joy it brought.

If you have felt the same or have been feeling less productive in the past few weeks, don’t worry, many of us are sailing in the same boat. It has been months since businesses had to shut down and look for ways to function somehow. Believe me, we are trying our best to get the work done.

But if you are feeling stressed while working from home then that’s a red flag letting you know that you need to pay close attention to your mental health.

Not everyone can adapt to change and feel comfortable- which is why, we as individuals, need to constantly check on ourselves to know when it is time to just take a break and unwind.

There are days when I feel like not working, but the thought of letting my team down helps me get back up and become active.

However, not everyone is the same, which is why I have compiled a Dos & Don’ts list that I believe can help anyone work from home efficiently.


° Make a Work-Table: Write down your day’s work in advance and see which tasks can be done within the time-bracket that you designed and which tasks are time-specific. This way you know your schedule and can plan your day around it.

° Plan Short Breaks: Have a lunch break & a tea break. Don’t restrict yourself to your surroundings- talk to your loved ones while on break instead of ignoring them and let them know how your day is going.

° Know when to call it a day: Since we all are working remotely, we are seeing a stretch in our working-hours. You need to know when the work is supposed to be over. Don’t drag it along. Refer to your schedule and make sure you stick to it to some extent.

° Stay in touch with colleagues: Since you are not meeting anyone face to face, it can be hard to know how your work-friend is doing. Which is why it becomes important for you to reach out to them from time to time and have a casual conversation.

2. DON’Ts

Here are some ways in which your remote-team can function to the best of their abilities:

° Work in your Pajamas: To work effectively, you would want to keep your work-week cycle going. Which is why it is always a great idea to get up early and get ready for your work even if it doesn’t involve you going out.

° Fall down a Social Media Spiral: Distractions are everywhere, especially social media. It can be addictive at times. So to keep yourself concentrated in your work, it is advised to keep away from all social handles.

° Stop communicating: The only way to keep everyone in loop is to be in the loop! Don’t isolate yourself while working. Long term isolation in these times can result in anxiety, depression etc.

° Forget to move: Just because you are working from your living room doesn’t mean that you have to keep sitting all day. It is important to get up, stretch and move a little during small breaks. This helps your body and mind in recharging itself.


Even if you follow the above list to the tee, know that it can take time adjusting to a new schedule or way of working. The key here is to try- try different areas to work from home, try different time-tables for work, try new skills and hobbies to keep yourself from feeling less productive- anything that makes working from home not a chore but the ‘new normal’.

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