Say Hello to the New Normal: Managing a Remote Team


Remember the days you could just call for a meeting in the conference room? Now we rush to meetings wearing pajamas and trying to find the right spot for a video conference. It is day 82 of the COVID-19 Endemic and it seems that our work-culture is shifting to remote-work almost permanently.

In such times, how do you manage a team while working from home? How do you fit each member’s schedule with yours in a way that it doesn’t cause hindrance to the overall productivity?

Where it is necessary to keep industries and businesses alive, we must not forget to manage the workforce in a way that their mental wellness stays intact.

There are people who adapt to change quickly and people who take their time. This change can be overwhelming to some which is why when it comes to managing an entire team that is working remotely we must not forget to keep ourselves available to them.

Where physical presence was deemed important and essential, the change in situation has made us adapt accordingly.

So how do you manage a team while working remotely?

° You interact often: Interaction through live chat, video calls etc not only lets you stay in touch while getting the work done- it offers you vocal insights on your employee’s/team’s mental health to a certain extent.

° You involve your team members frequently & definitely: We all are with our families and loved ones and sometimes distractions cannot be avoided which is why it is important to involve your team members and ask for their individual opinion.

° You work together and play together: Nothing beats a good work relationship. And to give your team the space where they feel safe to express themselves is essential.

° You listen: As a manager, it becomes your duty to listen to each team member and show compassion where needed.

° Set flexible but solid deadlines: It is important to give your employees and team members goals but make sure they are not ‘impossible’ to achieve. Set flexible but achievable deadlines.

A sense of safety and reliability while managing a remote team is crucial. We should not isolate our team(s) and instead help them in ways that make them confident and motivated.

Here are some ways in which your remote-team can function to the best of their abilities:

° Dedicated Work-Space: All they need is a space free from distractions.

° Be Work-Ready: Dressing like one is going out is the best way to feel good. Avoid pyjamas in all cases!

° Have a proper Lunch Break.

° Ask your team to keep a diary/spread-sheet where they write all the tasks for the day and keep a track of the same.


Managing a team might seem like a daunting task but in reality can be quite fun if you put in the effort. But make sure to check-in with yourself too from time to time!

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